Narajama is a progressive rock band from The
Czech Republic that formed in 1991 with the members Petr Valos(guitar), Petr
Goldman(drums), Igor Judas(bass), and Michal Mihal(vocals). They recorded their
first album in 1993 and it was called “Webs”. Towards the end of this year the
guitarist and singer left the band and the remaining members joined with Roman
Kouril(guitar), Bohdana Petru(dulcimer) and Milan Bilovsky(vocals).
The band recorded its second album called “Vytancuj Chmury”(Dance off the
Frowns) which was professionally released by Indies Records in 1996. One year
later, the band released their third cd on the same label and it was called “V
Tom Vine Je Nalhano”(The Wine Bears Lies)